November Newsletter
Fishwick Primary School
Downing Street, Preston, Lancs. PR1 4RH
Tel: 01772 491402
Headteacher: Mrs Vicki Conway
Monday 4th November 2024
Dear Parents and Carers,
I hope you all had a lovely half term break. This half term is full of activities particularly in the run up to the Christmas break so I have listed some key dates for you at the end of this letter.
This half term we are pleased to welcome Millie Gaitens onto our office team. You will all get to know her as she is in the main office each day. I hope she will be really happy here.
I am also pleased to let you know that Emily Kearns had a beautiful baby boy during the half term break. Mum and baby doing well. We are all looking forward to her coming in for a visit soon.
Remembrance Day
As always, poppies will be available in school from 5th November to support the British Legion fundraising for service men and women and their families. Please send a minimum of 20p for a poppy if you wish to support this. We are also selling reflectors, wristbands and zip pulls for £1.00. These will be brought round to classrooms each day next week. Please note wristbands may only be worn this week – they must not to be brought into school after 11th November.
The closing date for Primary applications for 2024 is 15th January 2023.
Please apply for a school or academy place online at:
We are listed as Preston Fishwick.
Children in Need
The School Council are holding a ‘wear your own clothes’ day to raise money for Children in Need on Friday 15th November. Suggested donation 50p per child or £1 per family although we understand that what is affordable is different for each family.
Diary Dates for this Half Term
9/12/24 Christmas Performance @ 2pm (Parents Welcome)
11/12/24 Christmas Performance @ 9.45am (Parents Welcome)
12/12/24 Panto @ 13.30
13/12/24 Wear Your Own Clothes Day for a chocolate fundraiser donation
16/12/24 1.45pm Glitter & Glue (Parents Welcome)
18/12/24 Party Day
19/12/24 Christmas Lunch (Christmas Jumpers optional)
20/12/24 Break up for the holidays at 13.15 (Please note there is no afternoon session for Nursery on this day)
6/1/25 8.45am Back to school
Many thanks
Vicki Conway