Breakfast Club & School Meals
At Fishwick we can accommodate children who would like to start their day with breakfast at school. Breakfast Club starts at 8.00am with the last child allowed in for breakfast at 8.40 – this ensures that breakfast club is tidied up ready for a prompt start to the school day.
We are lucky enough to have a Greggs Breakfast Club which means we are able to offer it to all children free of charge. Our breakfast club is open to all children and no booking is required.
We also provide a wraparound breakfast, on arrival, of toast and fruit and fruit for playtimes. Our fruit is subsidised by the Tesco Fruit and Veg Grant.
School Meals
You have 2 options for your child’s lunch:
- Have a school lunch
- Bring a packed lunch to eat at school
From September 2014 all children in Reception, Year 1 & Year 2 may have a free meal as part of the government’s new initiative for universal infant free school meals. However, for children of any age, if you receive certain benefits or have a household income below the government’s threshold you must register by phoning the Education Office on 01772 531809. You will need your national insurance number.
When a child changes from dinners to packed lunch or vice versa, a week’s notice is required. Your co-operation with this will be appreciated.
Children in Reception, Year 1 & Year 2 will receive school milk each day
We have a whole school approach to healthy eating and provide an improved lunchtime menu which uses fresh and interesting food. Throughout the year children are both taught and reminded about the need to eat 5 portions of fruit and vegetables a day in order to stay healthy. We provide free of charge each child with a piece of fruit at morning break.
Your cooperation with our policy is important and we would discourage you from sending your children to school with sweets and fizzy drinks and other drinks that have artificial colourings as these have been proven to have a detrimental effect on children’s health.