Year 3 & Year 4 -Polar Bears
Welcome to our class page. Miss Dimond is our class teacher, Mrs Robinson and Mr McCormack are the class teaching assistants. Polar Bears has children in both Year 3 & Year 4.
We will be doing PE on a Tuesday and Friday. Every child will need a full PE kit in school (team t-shirt, black shorts and black PE pumps) and these are to be stored inside a named bag, inside lockers.
Home Reading
Please remember to sign reading records once you have listened to your child read at home. We ask that your child reads at least three times a week. The children will be awarded 5 dojo points for reading every day at home. We will be listening to children read throughout the week and will require reading books and reading records to be in school everyday.
Class Dojo
The children have the chance to earn class dojo points for positive and kind interactions/actions throughout the day as well as reading at home. Once a child has earned 250 dojos they will be rewarded with a non-uniform day.