Year 6 - Elephants
Welcome to Elephants class, our class teacher is Mrs Lupton and the class teaching assistant is Mr Speakman. On this page, we will update you with the topics being covered, pictures we take and work being completed so do keep checking back!We have lots of exciting trips planned throughout the year including the Beach, UCLAN and our residential to LONDON! So keep a look out for the pictures on here!
Our Week
PE is on a Tuesday and Friday. Please make sure your PE kit and pumps are in school and during winter months, a tracksuit can be worn.
In year 6, we ask that you read every night, practice your times tables using TTR and spellings using spelling shed. We also have prodigy math's with games for you to complete each night and some children have Flash Academy. The log ins are in the back of your home reading diaries. There are dojos available every day!
When homework is completed, dojos and a raffle ticket will be awarded with the chance at a termly prize!
Our weekly visit to the library is on a Friday so don’t forget to bring your book in to change or renew.