Nursery - Penguins


Welcome to Penguin Class! We are the Nursery and cater for children aged 2 to 4.

We are passionate about learning through play. We follow an ‘in the moment’ approach to planning. This involves staff skillfully observing and interacting with children and spotting ‘teachable moments’ to help children to learn in a meaningful and authentic manner. The children lead the learning and this takes us on many different adventures, every day is different! We enhance and adapt our environment daily to create curiosity and wonder as well as catering to the children’s current interests.

 “Children are born with a natural desire to explore and learn and practitioners can support them in this.  We do this by creating an enabling environment (both physical and emotional) and through the relationships and interactions that the children experience.  We do not plan ahead, rather we remain “in the moment” with the children as they explore and learn.  We observe carefully, and enhance the learning whenever we spot a “teachable moment”.   Anna Ephgrave


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Messy Play

Parent Partnerships 

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