
Fishwick Primary School’s SENDCO – Helena Garnham – 01772 491402

If you have any concerns about your child’s Special Educational Needs please call school and ask to speak to Mrs Garnham.

SENDIASS will provide advice and support to parents – 0300 123 6706


The FIND Newsletter is a quarterly publication which gives information about support groups, activities and ideas in Lancashire which may be relevant to your family. The latest copy of the FIND newsletter can be found below:

FIND Newsletter Spring 2020


Many children, including those with SEND, may be confused and anxious at the moment. Here are some resources you can share with your child to help them understand as well as links to services you can access if needed:

Be a Home Hero

Coronavirus Story

COVID-19 Wellbeing advice

WHO advice sheet

The following documents give you some advice on managing learning from home when your child has SEND:

Parent SEND Resource Toolkit 1

Parent SEND Resource Toolkit 2

Parent SEND Resource Toolkit 3

Parent SEND Resource Toolkit 4

Parent SEND Resource Toolkit 5

Parent SEND Resource Toolkit 6

Speech and Language Needs

If your child has difficulties with their speech and language, here are some tips for you to try:

Don’t correct your child’s speech but repeat back what they have said correctly and clearly to give them a good model.

Use simple language and give instructions in small chunks.

Play turn taking games with your child to help them develop their social language skills

If your child has been set targets by a speech and language therapist either in clinic or in school, try to continue practising at home.

These websites may give you more ideas:

The Communication Trust


In school we work with Bridge Speech Therapy. Their Facebook page shows a number of games and activities you can try at home to support your child’s speech and language development in a fun and engaging way.

Bridge Speech Therapy


Autistic Spectrum Disorder

If your child has a diagnosis of ASD or is on this pathway, they will benefit from structure and routine in their day. You might create a simple timetable they can follow so they know what is happening when.

You could spend time with your child helping them to recognise their emotions. In school we use ‘Zones of Regulation‘ to teach children what they are feeling and how to regulate these feelings without behaving in a way which will upset others.

If you have a particular thing you want to work on with your child, such as giving strangers some personal space, eating a new food or washing their hair, then a social story could help. If you would like help writing a social story for your child, please contact school.

Social, Emotional and Mental Health

All children can struggle at times to understand and manage their emotions. Here are some websites which can help you to help your child:

Young Minds


